Thursday, April 29, 2010


Alex got me a Bodybugg!  I was so excited to use it I didn't really read the instructions too carefully-so beware of that!
I thought I burned about 3x the calories that I actually did in my Zumba class.  *blushes*

This thing is SO cool.  I put in the calories that I eat on their super easy website.  They have most foods, but not Shakeology, I should tell them about that, huh?  You just click what you ate, only takes a couple minutes, you plug in the bugg and it tells you what you burned that day.  
Then it compares what you ate to what you burned.  AWESOME!  Now I just need to get in the habit of wearing it all day so I can get a more accurate count.
I suggest this gadget to everyone who is trying to lose weight.
So far the only drawback has been my mac doesn't like it.  So I have to use my desktop, but that's not too bad. 
I will update what I think about it later on after using it for a while, but so far so good!

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