Thursday, April 29, 2010


Alex got me a Bodybugg!  I was so excited to use it I didn't really read the instructions too carefully-so beware of that!
I thought I burned about 3x the calories that I actually did in my Zumba class.  *blushes*

This thing is SO cool.  I put in the calories that I eat on their super easy website.  They have most foods, but not Shakeology, I should tell them about that, huh?  You just click what you ate, only takes a couple minutes, you plug in the bugg and it tells you what you burned that day.  
Then it compares what you ate to what you burned.  AWESOME!  Now I just need to get in the habit of wearing it all day so I can get a more accurate count.
I suggest this gadget to everyone who is trying to lose weight.
So far the only drawback has been my mac doesn't like it.  So I have to use my desktop, but that's not too bad. 
I will update what I think about it later on after using it for a while, but so far so good!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I made it!..

To Emerald!
I am now an emerald coach!  WOOHOO!  I knew this would happen soon and I only see bigger and better things in my future!  I'm so excited!  All I can say is positive thinking is WAY more powerful than you know.  Try it...make it a habit.  Change your whole outlook on life and see what happens.  
Watch "The Secret".
Make a vision board.
That's what I did and I'm movin' on up!

Contact me if you need any help with ideas for your vision board and goals.  I'd love to help! 

Oh, and I couldn't have done this without my AWESOME coach Beth Young!  Check out Beth's Blog!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Are you on a sumo wrestlers diet??

Here is an interesting article about how sumo wrestlers eat in order to GAIN weight.  I bet you do a lot of the same things thinking you're helping your body to LOSE fat.  But are you really on a Sumo Diet?

Don't skip meals.  This slows your metabolism.  EAT BREAKFAST!!!!
Don't sleep right after you eat.
Don't exercise on an empty stomach-your body needs fuel. (don't eat RIGHT before you exercise, either...)

First heard about this from Chalene Johnson, she is an amazing woman...full of great information.

Thanks Chalene!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I bet you've seen the infomercials for p90x, hip hop abs, chalean extreme, turbo jam, and insanity.  And I bet you've thought "yeah, THAT works."

Guess what!?  They DO work!  And since I've become an independent beachbody coach I have learned so much about these programs and the people in the infomercials.  They're real.  No joke.  Real people who put in the time and work to get results.  It's hard work.  These work-outs are SERIOUS, INSANE, EXTREME.  And now that I know all about them I want to share them with you and help you get in the best shape of your life.

It's not going to be easy.  There's no quick fix.  But you CAN do it, and I'm going to help you!

Step one: Decide.
Step two:  Commit.
Step Three:  Succeed.